Version 1.0.1 Released

Okay.  So, I finally fixed that mysterious old bug where dying near the end of a level can put you in a different land.  Frankly, I failed to fix it in v1 partly because I forgot to put it on my todo list; and partly because it was rare.  Anyways... it kept bugging me, so I kept thinking about it.  I decided that if it really exists on my end (and not some YoYo thing) it could only be in this one part of code.  Thus, I sat down and stared at that section of code for about an hour, running it through in my head.  I eventually noticed that it was telling me that if I destroy the bridge before the next level comes on screen, that it would then save the wrong state in case of level restart.  D'oh!  So, I tested that case and, sure enough, that is what it was doing.  Curiously, when I first wrote this part of the code, this wasn't an issue because I was generating level blocks early back then.  It was in a later re-engineering of how to most efficiently handle the terrain generation that I broke it.

Then, from there, tangent to this, I also realized that I had left something else undone in my haste to add the feature to destroy both jets on a simultaneous collision.  That is, that a simul bridge hit could advance you two levels.  So, I fixed that as well.

In other words, 1.0.0 was an embarrassing v1 release like a self-inflicted swirly.  This rectifies that and is the last of the bugs that I'm aware of.


  • Destroying the bridge before the next level rolls on screen no longer puts you in a different land if you die on that or the next level.
  • A simultaneous hit on the bridge (by two missiles or by two planes) no longer advances the bridge counter by 2 instead of 1.

Files 8.6 MB
Version 1.0.1 Sep 19, 2024 4.1 MB
Version 1.0.1 Sep 19, 2024

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