River Raid TTF Font Available for Download

I have made my River Raid TTF font and FontForge source file available for download and use.  I created the TTF for use in converting it to a pixel font in GameMaker's font tool (for River Raid Squadron, of course).  This version uses the Win-1252 code page.

The font is not complete... but complete enough for basic use.  The version is currently set to 0.1.3.  I believe what I did was borrow an old Tandy font and stretch it wider (the Ataris have very rectangular pixels).  I then went in and adjusted the numbers, capital letters, and punctuation to match glyphs found in the original River Raid for the 2600 and 5200 (and maybe the Atari computers too???).  The rest is left undone... namely the lower-case letters.  Note that I replaced the tilde with a checkmark for the game.  Do with the font what you will.  I've released it to the public domain (CC0).


RiverRaidPixelatedTTFont.7z 8.1 kB
Sep 18, 2024

Get River Raid Squadron

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